Evolutionary Intelligence group news
Life Sciences and Health group awarded RISE grant
The Life Sciences and Health group have been awarded a Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) grant from the European Commission.
CWI develops unique method for genome-reconstruction of mutated viruses
Jasmijn Baaijens, PhD student in CWI’s Life Sciences and Health group, has developed a new computational tool that can reconstruct genomes of mutated versions of viruses like HIV, Zika and Ebola
CWI develops unique method for reconstruction of mutated viruses
Jasmijn Baaijens, PhD student in CWI’s Life Sciences and Health group, has developed a new computational tool that can reconstruct mutated versions of a virus.
Humies Silver award for Peter Bosman and colleagues
CWI researchers Peter Bosman and Hoang Luong, along with colleagues from Amsterdam UMC, have been awarded the Humies Silver award at the GECCO 2019 conference, for their efforts in the automated generation …
Three Veni grants for CWI researchers
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant to Georgios Amanatidis, Marleen Balvert and Christian Majenz. The grant provides them with the opportunity to further elaborate their research ideas during …
KWF grant for Peter Bosman together with Amsterdam UMC
Peter Bosman of CWI's Life Sciences & Health group has been awarded a project by the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) together with the Oncology department of Amsterdam UMC.
ESTRO-Elekta Brachytherapy Award for Anton Bouter
Anton Bouter of CWI's Life Sciences & Health group has been awarded the ESTRO-Elekta Brachytherapy Award at the European SocieTy for Radiation & Oncology (ESTRO 38) conference in Milan, Italy.
Reinforcing the electricity grid with Evolutionary Algorithms
In our modern daily life, many activities require electricity, for example, the use of domestic appliances, manufacturing, communication, and transportation. It is therefore essential to maintain a reliable supply of electricity to …