Evolutionary Intelligence group news
CWI and LUMC to develop explainable AI to detect hereditary cholesterol disease
Researchers at CWI and Leiden University Medical Center set out to develop explainable artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for early detection of the cholesterol disorder FH. Also, they aim to predict which FH …

Anton Bouter wins ACM SIGEVO Dissertation award
This year's Best Dissertation Award from the ACM Special Interest Group on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (SIGEVO) has gone to Anton Bouter of the Evolutionary Intelligence (EI) group at CWI.

Evolutionary Algorithms for optimization and medical image segmentation
Arkadiy Dushatskiy investigated the application of Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) in optimization problems and proposes a novel approach to medical image segmentation. He focused on the Gene-pool Optimal Mixing Evolutionary Algorithm (GOMEA) and …

CWI researchers involved in 2 consortia receiving millions in funding
Several CWI researchers are involved in projects that have received substantial funding under the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA). The Human-Centered Data Analytics group is represented in a project, led by Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, …

New ICAI Lab 'Explainable AI for health'
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) have joined forces in the ICAI* Lab 'Explainable AI for Health'. Together they will develop new forms of artificial intelligence …

Best paper award for a novel approach to training neural networks
A paper on multi-objective (MO) training of neural networks, written by researchers from CWI and Leiden University Medical Center, has received the best paper award during the international EMO 2023 conference.

Artificial intelligence helps deciding on best radiation therapy for prostate tumours
An algorithm developed by CWI and Amsterdam UMC helps doctors determine the best plan for internal radiotherapy. This makes prostate cancer more treatable. Thanks to the research of Anton Bouter and his …

Prognosing onset of ALS disease with AI methods
Accurately predicting whether a person will develop ALS: bioinformatics researchers at Bielefeld University, Germany, published a study in Nature Machine Intelligence. Part of this research was done at CWI.