Evolutionary Intelligence group news
2 Best Paper Awards for CWI at GECCO
Researchers from CWI and Leiden University were awarded two best paper awards at the ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference (GECCO) 2022.
Best Italian PhD thesis prize for CWI's Giulia Bernardini
On 14 September 2021 the Italian chapter of EATCS awarded a prize for the Best Italian PhD Thesis in Theoretical Computer Science ex aequo to Giulia Bernardini (CWI) and Francesco Dagnino (University …
JoLEA: new lecture series on cutting-edge research on Evolutionary Algorithms
CWI, Leiden University, Utrecht University and VU Amsterdam proudly present the new Joint Lectures on Evolutionary Algorithms (JoLEA) series: top-quality lectures on EAs.
Three GECCO Awards for AI in healthcare
CWI researchers and partners won three awards for AI in healthcare at the ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference (GECCO) 2021: the Best Paper Award in the Genetic Algorithms track, the SIGEVO …
Funding for Explainable Artificial Intelligence for medical professionals
LUMC, Amsterdam UMC, and CWI have received funding from the Gieskes-Strijbis Fund to enhance the understanding of AI by doctors.
NETWORKS consortium awarded €1M from EU COFUND for postdoc programme
After receiving the COFUND grant from the Horizon 2020 programme for 14 PhD positions, NETWORKS has been granted a COFUND grant of €1.0 million to appoint 14 postdoctoral researchers for 2 years.
Best Paper Award for LSH researchers at EMO 2021
Researchers from CWI's Life Sciences & Health group were awarded a Best Paper Award at EMO 2021 for their paper “Local search is a remarkably strong baseline for neural architecture search”.
Evolutionary Algorithms for high-quality solutions
It is not uncommon that the solution obtained by an algorithm is not as desired. To overcome this, Stef Maree's PhD research focuses on optimization algorithms for finding not just one solution, …