Evolutionary Intelligence group news

ESTRO-Elekta Brachytherapy Award for Anton Bouter

Anton Bouter of CWI's Life Sciences & Health group has been awarded the ESTRO-Elekta Brachytherapy Award at the European SocieTy for Radiation & Oncology (ESTRO 38) conference in Milan, Italy.

ESTRO-Elekta Brachytherapy Award for Anton Bouter

Reinforcing the electricity grid with Evolutionary Algorithms

In our modern daily life, many activities require electricity, for example, the use of domestic appliances, manufacturing, communication, and transportation. It is therefore essential to maintain a reliable supply of electricity to …

Reinforcing the electricity grid with Evolutionary Algorithms

Peter Bosman appointed part-time professor Delft University of Technology

Recently, Peter A.N. Bosman, senior researcher in the CWI Life Sciences and Health (LSH) group, has been appointed part-time professor Evolutionary Algorithms in the department of Software Technology of the faculty of …

Peter Bosman appointed part-time professor Delft University of Technology

Joint eScience and Data Science grant for CWI's Peter Bosman and AMC

Recently, a research proposal that is spearheaded by CWI was granted in the Joint eScience and Data Science programme that was organized jointly by the NWO Domain Science and Netherlands eScience Center …

Joint eScience and Data Science grant for CWI's Peter Bosman and AMC

Alexander Schoenhuth appointed Professor Genome Data Science

Starting 1 October 2017, Alexander Schoenhuth of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam is appointed Professor ‘Genome Data Science’ at the Faculty of Science of Utrecht University. It concerns a part-time …

Alexander Schoenhuth appointed Professor Genome Data Science

CWI PhD student Jasmijn Baaijens wins Best Talk Award at the ISMB-HitSeq conference

Jasmijn Baaijens, PhD student from CWI’s Life Sciences and Health group, has won the Best Talk Award at ISMB-HitSeq, the world's leading conference on high-throughput genomics.

CWI PhD student Jasmijn Baaijens wins Best Talk Award at the ISMB-HitSeq conference

Instable blood supply may help healthy cells compete with tumor cells

Researchers of CWI’s Scientific Computing group have found that instabilities in the blood supply in cancerous tissue can, surprisingly, lead to a less favorable environment for tumor cells. Their findings shed light …

Instable blood supply may help healthy cells compete with tumor cells

Comparing medical images better

Together with the radiation oncology department of AMC, Peter Bosman of CWI’s Life Sciences and Health group has been awarded 1.4 million euros for a project in NWO’s Open Technology Programme for …

Comparing medical images better