More information - CWI spin-offs

CWI has created a number of spin-off companies: companies founded by CWI employees, with support from CWI.


CWI has created 29 of spin-off companies: companies founded by CWI employees, with support from CWI.

The generation of spin-off companies is an important method for institutes like CWI to convert fundamental knowledge into practical applications for society and to create high-level employment at the same time.

Close links with the parent institute during the initial years form a crucial success factor. CWI researchers have successfully managed to establish spin-off companies in recent years; some of these now have dozens of employees - and even more. Spin-off companies sometimes receive considerable capital injections from investors in order to grow into the size considered necessary for successful operation on a global scale.

In 2000 CWI founded the CWI Incubator BV to generate high tech spin-off companies.

CWI's spin-off companies

Founded in 2021 by Harry Buhrman, Ido Niessen, Chris Cade and Jörgen Sandig.

Development of quantum software applications

Fermioniq is a spin-off of University of Amsterdam (UvA), Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and QuSoft. 

Founded in 2021 by Hannes Mühleisen and Mark Raasveldt
Services and development for DuckDB

Founded in 2019 by Alexander Kostenko.
Hardware solutions for the microfabrication industry

Founded in 2019 by Bart Scheers, Arjen de Rijke and MonetDB.
Big data management solutions in astronomy

Founded in 2017 by CWI Inc., Paul Klint, Davy Landman and Jurgen Vinju
Domain Specific Languages

Founded in 2017 by Felix Claessen
Smart sustainability

Founded in 2016 by CWI and NLC
Emergency mathematics

Founded in 2013 by Ying Zhang, Martin Kersten, Sjoerd Mullender, and Niels Nes.
Development of database technologies for Business Analytics

Founded in 2010 by Arjen de Vries, Wouter Alink and Roberto Cornaccia
Search technology for information specialists. Combines strengths of databases and information retrieval.

Founded in 2008 by Peter Boncz, Marcin Zukowski, Sandor Heman and Niels Nes.
Analytical database technology in collaboration with Ingres Corporation, now Actian.

Founded in 2008 by Martin Kersten, Peter Boncz, Dick Broekhuis (on behalf of CWI), Stefan Manegold , Sjoerd Mullender and Niels Nes.
High-tech database technology

Founded in 2007 by Adri Steenbeek.
Programming services

Founded in 2005 by Jurriaan Mulder (CWI), Arjen Brinkman and Marc Lausberg (Gallium Europe), based on CWI research
Visualization and 3D Interaction

Founded by Martin Hessing, based on methods by Roel van Driel (UvA-SILS)
CWI Inc. licensed visualisation techniques from Robert van Liere and Wim de Leeuw (CWI) for a share in 2004. Sold to M. Hessing in 2006.
Computer assisted cancer detection

Founded in 2002 by Hans de Hart and Wim Delvaux
Component based software, development tools

Founded in 2001 by Paul ten Hagen, ended in 2004.
CharToon software, facial animation

Founded in 2000 by Arie van Deursen, Paul Klint, Steven Klusener, and others
Software improvement - legacy software

Being founded in 2000. Financial mathematics.

Founded in 1998 by Dick Bulterman, Lynda Hardman, Jack Jansen and Sjoerd Mullender; ended in 2002
Former website:
Authoring and player systems for Web based multimedia

Founded in 1998 by Annius Groenink and Stijn van Dongen
Merged with Filter Control technologies
Advanced search systems

Founded in 1997 by Ray Hirschfeld for encryption, electronic authentication.

Founded by Piet Beertema (CWI) and others,
registration of .nl-domain names.

Founded in 1995 by D. Verkerk

Mathematical Software

Founded in 1995 by Marcel Holsheimer, Martin Kersten and Arno Siebes. Acquired by SPSS, now IBM.

Founded in 1994 by Eddy Boeve, Lon Barfield and Dirk Soede.

Acquired by Satama (NL), then Lost Boys international/Digitas.


Founded in 1990 by David Chaum; stopped in 1999. Its assets were sold to eCash Technologies, which was acquired by InfoSpace in 2002.
Digital money.

See: Wikipedia on DigiCash.

Founded in 1994
Internetprovider, founded in 1994. The work itself was started in 1982 by Piet Beertema (CWI) and others; the foundation (stichting) started in 1989.

Related to EUnet - European Unix Network. EUnet was acquired by KPNQwest..

Founded in 1971 as a center for data processing activities for CWI (MC at the time), VU University and the University of Amsterdam. In 1995, SARA became independent and was the High Performance Compute and support center for the Netherlands. It is now part of SURF:

Founded in 1956. Constructing computers, pioneering in the Netherlands. The first Dutch computer factory (1956-1968). Later acquired by Philips. Ended.

Nowadays, the foundation 'Stichting Electrologica' aims to preserve Dutch computer history, both knowledge and hardware. CWI is not involved in its activities.
