Research Semester Programma

In 2022 lanceerde het CWI het Research Semester Programma. Hiermee willen we een omgeving creëren waarin onderzoekers van Nederlandse universiteiten regelmatig van gedachten kunnen wisselen over specifieke onderwerpen. CWI wil met de lancering van dit programma nieuwe inzichten genereren en hoopt op die manier nieuwe samenwerkingen te stimuleren.

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Voor het najaar van 2022 heeft onze onderzoeksgroep Networks & Optimization (N&O) een reeks evenementen samengesteld. Meer info over hun programma Polynomial Optimization and Applications vindt u op deze pagina. Hun poster kan gedownload worden in pdf-formaat.

Onze onderzoeksgroep Machine Learning (ML) stelt voor het voorjaar van 2023 een Research Semester Programma samen over Machine Learning Theory. De stuurgroep van dit programma bestaat uit Wouter Koolen-Wijksta en Peter Grünwald.

Onze onderzoeksgroep Computational Imaging (CI) trapte het Research Semester Programma af met een reeks evenementen over Datagestuurde methoden voor inverse problemen. Meer informatie over het CI-programma, dat voorjaar 2022 liep, vindt hier.

Hieronder vindt u de evenementen van het Research Semester Programma die tot nu toe gepland zijn:

Control Theory and Reinforcement Learning: Connections and Challenges - Spring School

17 maart 2025 van 09:00 tot 21 maart 2025 18:00 | Turing Hall, CWI, Science Park 125, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

This Spring School 2025 is part of the Research Semester Programme "Control Theory and Reinforcement Learning: Connections and Challenges". Five lecturers will be teaching at a preparatory PhD level across five days.

Control Theory and Reinforcement Learning: Connections and Challenges - workshops

24 maart 2025 van 09:00 tot 25 maart 2025 18:00 | Science Park 125, Turingzaal

Following our Spring School 2025 on Control Theory and Reinforcement Learning, we have a general workshop on “Themes across Control and Reinforcement Learning”.

Truth is in the Eyes of the Machines - Symposium

9 mei 2025 van 09:00 tot 9 mei 2025 18:00 | Turing Hall, CWI, Science Park 125, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Research Semester Programme on misinformation detection and countering in the era of Large Language Models.

Truth is in the Eyes of the Machines - workshop

20 juni 2025 van 09:00 tot 20 juni 2025 19:00 | CWI L016/L017

Research Semester Programme on misinformation detection and countering in the era of Large Language Models.

Bootcamp: Interplay Between Machine Learning and Optimization

1 september 2025 van 09:00 tot 1 september 2025 19:00 | CWI, Euler room, Science park 125

This boot camp is part of the research semester programme on learning enhanced optimization. Goal: kick-off event highlighting the different aspects of the semester programme.

International PhD School: Machine Learning and Optimization

2 september 2025 van 09:00 tot 5 september 2025 19:00 | CWI, Euler room, Science park 125

This school is part of the research semester programme on learning enhanced optimization. The goal is that there will be 3-4 invited lecturers offering lectures/tutorials for PhD students, with the purpose of training and community building.

Satellite Workshop 1: Learning Augmented Algorithms

7 oktober 2025 van 09:00 tot 10 oktober 2025 19:00 | CWI, Euler room, Science park 125

This workshop is part of the research semester programme on learning enhanced optimization. The goal is to get experts of the field together (both national and international), combination of survey talks (keynotes), specialized talks (contributed), and open problem sessions.

Satellite Workshop 2: Learned Methods for Operations Research

3 november 2025 van 09:00 tot 6 november 2025 19:00 | CWI, Euler room, Science park 125

This workshop is part of the research semester programme on learning enhanced optimization. The goal is to get experts of the field together (both national and international), combination of survey talks (keynotes), specialized talks (contributed), and open problem sessions.