1st International Conference on Big Scientific Data Management (BigSDM2018)

The 1st International Conference on Big Scientific Data Management (BigSDM 2018) will be held in Beijing, China from Nov. 30th to Dec 1st, 2018. The Conference is jointly organized by Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, CWI and MonetDB Solutions.

Martin Kersten receives 2016 SIGMOD Systems Award

Martin Kersten is the recipient of the 2016 SIGMOD Systems Award for the design and implementation of MonetDB, a pioneering main-memory database system based on a columnar data organization.

Research CWI leads to semantic database systems breakthrough

Editie.NL reportage "Emoties, zo 2014"

RTL4 maakte voor Editie.NL de reportage "Emoties, zo 2014",  over de emotieherkennings-demo die binnen het COMMIT/ onderzoeksprogramma SWEET is onwikkeld. Voor het SWEET project heeft de Database Architectures groep van CWI de database technologie geleverd. Alle data die door de verschillende sensors wordt gegenereerd, wordt verzameld in de door CWI ontwikkelde MonetDB database.

Faster database technology with MonetDB/X100

Open Source Release: MonetDB/XQuery Updates

CWI released a new version of its high-performance open-source XML database system MonetDB/XQuery on 3 February 2007. The main new feature of this release is support for transactional safe updating of XML documents using the XQuery Update Facility (XQUF). XQuery has reached the W3C Recommendation status, while XQUF is currently a Working Draft.

CWI Lectures on Database Research (2020)

CWI Lectures in Mathematics and Computer Science 2010: Data Intensive Research

Missie, visie, kernwaarden CWI


CWI History: 78 years cutting edge research

The first Dutch computer, a globally used algorithm for route navigation, and the development of Python, one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. These are three highlights from our rich history. A brief overview of CWI's pioneering past, made for its 75th anniversary in 2021.