CWI partner in logistics projects related to health and safety

CWI is involved in two research projects in the field of safety, health & care, receiving funding from TKI Dinalog. These projects focus on the optimal deployment of volunteers in emergency situations such as cardiac arrests or fires, and a system that helps determine which elderly patients can transition from the hospital to a new form of care - the neighborhood clinic.

Publication date
27 Jul 2023

TKI Dinalog is the Top Consortium for Knowledge and Innovation, where companies, knowledge institutions, and the government collaborate on the innovation program of Topsector Logistiek. The consortium promotes the development of applicable knowledge for innovations in logistics. Recently, TKI has approved four research proposals addressing major societal challenges, such as waiting lists in acute elderly care and the rapid arrival of assistance in emergencies such as fires or severe accidents. CWI is involved in two of these proposals.

Optimizing volunteer deployment

The research proposal titled ‘Strategic Prescriptive Response for Immediate Needs Through Empowered Residents’ (SPRINTER) aims to improve the deployment of volunteers in emergency services. This will be achieved by developing mathematical models based on data and data analysis for Community First Responders (CFRs) systems.

"In acute cases where every second counts, ambulances or firefighters are usually too late. The idea is to utilize a network of volunteers who happen to be nearby at that moment," explains Rob van der Mei from the Stochastics group. Van der Mei is a co-applicant of the project, which will receive a total of half a million euros in funding. The main applicant for SPRINTER is the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Other partners include Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, the Red Cross, the Amsterdam-Amstelland Fire Department, Veiligheidsregio Rotterdam Rijnmond, and Burgernet.

Rob van der Mei
Rob van der Mei. Picture: Minnie Middelberg

Reducing waiting lists in acute elderly care

The research proposal ‘Logistics for Healthy Healthcare: A Modelling Perspective on Intermediate Care Solutions’ focuses on Intermediate Care solutions. Elderly individuals who are discharged from the hospital but are not yet fit to return home and those who become acutely ill but not severely enough for hospitalization, receive a new form of care in neighborhood clinics. However, there is a lack of insight into the effectiveness, efficiency, and capacity of the underlying logistical care chains in this new form of care. Researchers will develop a proof-of-concept version of a decision-supportsystem that indicates when Intermediate Care needs to be scaled up, taking into account the regional situation and the patient's preferences.

This project has been awarded 450,000 euros in funding, with the main applicant being the HAN University of Applied Sciences. Besides the Stochastics group from CWI partners include Amsterdam UMC, CWZ, ZZG Zorggroep, Allerzorg, Mijn Kliniek, and Rijnstate.