Rob van der Mei

Full Name
Prof.dr. R.D. van der Mei
+31 20 592 4129
Scientific Staff Member, Principal Researcher & Strategist, Professor - Vrije Universiteit
Rob van der Mei


1995-1999: Senior staff member at AT&T Labs, USA 1999-2002: Senior researcher and consultant at KPN Research 2002-2004: Senior researcher and consultant at TNO ICT Since 2003: Distinguished Full Professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (part-time) Since 2004: Senior researcher, Industrial Liaison Officer and Manager R&D at CWI


My main research activities are in the area of Stochastic Operations Research, at the challenging interface of theory and application. My research interests include emergency response systems, predictive policing, management of road traffic, modeling and scalability analysis of ICT systems, mobility, service logistics, freight logistics, grid computing, revenue management, military operations research, sensor networks, call centers, queueing theory and data analytics. I am a co-founder of the spin-off company Stokhos Emergency Mathematics. Currently, I am also the chair of the European COST project named ‘Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services’ (ACROSS).


All publications


  • Harald W. Kuhn Award 2020 (2021)
  • Huibregtsen Award 2021 (2021)
  • First prize for logistic innovation Covid-19 vaccination strategy (2021)
  • Best-paper award, 8th International Conference on Data Analytics (2019)
  • Runner-up Huibregtsen-prijs 2014 voor het beste Nederlandse onderzoek dat wetenschappelijk vernieuwend is en dat zicht biedt op een effectieve maatschappelijke toepassing (met Bert Zwart). (2014)

Professional activities

  • Professor: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
  • Principal Investigator: Industrial Liaison Officer CWI
  • Chair: Chairman ICT Innovatie Platform, Vitale ICT Infrastructuren
  • Committee member: Member Core Team NWA Route 16
  • Board Member: Member curatorium R.E. Kooij at TU Delft (since 2012)
  • Committee member: Member of program committee International Conference on Advances in Future Internet
  • Committee member: Member TPC of some 30-40 international conferences on performance modeling and analysis, including leading conferences Performance (bi-yearly) and International Teletraffic Congress (yearly), and smaller regular conferences like Networking, INTERNET, eScience, MACOM, HEALTHINF, MAMA, SETM, ACCESS, WWIC, NETC(G)OOP, AFIN, ICIMP, PhyCS, ICDT, SaCCoNeT and others
  • Board Member: E-Quality
  • Editor: Journal : Transactions on Network Optimization and Control
  • Editor: Associate Editor journal Performance Evaluation (until 2011)
  • Editor: Associate Editor journal AEUE Journal of Electronics and Communications (till 2011)
  • Editor: Associate Editor ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (since 2016)
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: NSCR Symposium, KNAW, Amsterdam
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: Data Science Alkmaar
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: Matchability congress, Nieuwegein
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: Masterclass for management of Ministry of Defense, Delft
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: COVID19 congress “Springplank naar de Toekomst”, Oisterwijk
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: Gala van de Wetenschap, Leiden
  • Speaker: Keynote speaker: BETA congress on Operations Management and Logistics, Soesterberg
  • Speaker: Keynote speaker: Nederlandse Wiskunde Dagen, Utrecht
  • Speaker: Keynote speaker: ARIA DataSys congress, Porto
  • Speaker: invited speaker: TED Talk, AIMMS Campus, Amsterdam
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: Transfer in de Zorg, Utrecht
  • Member: Management board Innovation Committee of Platform Mathematics Netherlands
  • Member: Management board Stichting Vierkant voor Wiskunde (stimulation highschool Mathematics)
  • Member: Management board research school BETA
  • Member: Evaluation board NWO NWA Crossover
  • Member: Evaluation board NWO NWA Ideeëngenerator (IDG)
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: Science and Innovation dinner, Amsterdam
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: Masterclass Defensie, Den Haag
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: masterclass Koninklijke Marchaussee, Den Haag
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: Florence Nightingale Colloquium, ULeiden
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: Career Symposium A-Eskwadraat, Utrecht
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: seminar Raad van Bestuur Arkin
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: Teknowlogy congress, Utrecht
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: M3 symposium on Healthcare Logistics, Amsterdam
  • Speaker: invited speaker: seminar for healthcare professionals Cordaan
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: seminar for healthcare professionals in psychiatry, Amsterdam
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: Data-driven optimization for a Vital Elderly Care System
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: seminar for healthcare professionals in youth care
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: SIGRA (seminar)
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: EURANDOM
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: seminar Incident department for roadside assistance, Province of North-Holland
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: seminar Transavia airlines
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: seminar Institute for Physical Safety
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: Summer School on Urban Mobility, Amsterdam
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: o-creation session, CWI Amsterdam
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: ICTOpen, Utrecht
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: 113 Workshop on Suicide Prevention
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: FastForward symposium
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: NWO Logistics Day
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: BI Summit, Haarlem
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: International workshop on Planning of Emergency and Healthcare Systems, Amsterdam
  • Speaker: invited speaker: seminar over de onbegrensde mogelijkheden van Business Analytics en optimalisatie, IJsselvliet,
  • Speaker: Invited speaker: Lecture Day on Traffic Logistics, Eindhoven


  • COMET-PS NWO Topsector 1PD (2016)
  • Telplan Municipality Amsterdam (2016)
  • PPS Gemeente Municipality Amsterdam 2PD (2016)
  • PPS ministerie van BZK 2PhD (2016)
  • PPS CTVrede 1PhD (2016)
  • PPS Cofely Cofely/Engie 1PD (2016)
  • DYNAMERGE NWO Topsector 1PhD (2016)
  • PPS Rovecom 1PhD (2015)
  • PPS ING 2PhD+1PD (2015)
  • PPS Mindef Ministry of Defense 1PhD (2015)
  • DYNAFLOAT NWO Topsector 1PhD (2015)
  • PPS TrafficLink TrafficLink 1PhD (2014)
  • RIVM (2014)
  • REPRO-POL Politie en Wetenschap 1PhD (2013)
  • GreenA GreenA (2013)
  • GGD Amsterdam (2013)
  • ACROSS EU COST EU travel (2013)
  • REPRO STW 3PhD+1PD (2012)
  • RM for SMEs in hotel Hogeschool den Haag 1PhD (2012)
  • Industry and NWO 1PhD (2011)
  • TISCALI ICTRegie 1PhD (2011)
  • SeQual SenterNovem 1PhD (2010)
  • Layered QNs NWO STAR (2010)
  • RRR 1PhD (2009)
  • EMS-TP NWO valorization grant 1PhD (2008)
  • WFM for Defense Ministry of Defense 1PhD (2007)
  • Concurrent Access NWO Casimir 1PhD (2007)
  • DP & RM NWO Bonus (2007)

Current projects with external funding

  • Ontwikkeling van Data Analytics, Data Science en Crypto Analyse technieken (None)
  • Systemic expansion of territorial CIRCULAR Ecosystems for end-of-life FOAM (CIRCULAR FOAM)
  • Customized and Coordinated Solutions for Congestion Bottlenecks in our infrastructure (COCONUT)
  • Data-driven optimization for a vital elderly care system in the Netherlands (DOLCE VITA)
  • Simulatiemodel Logistiek Ports MRA (Gemeente Haarlemmermeer)
  • Logistics for Healthy Healthcare: A modelling Perpective on Intermediate Care Solutions (Logistics for Healthy Healthcare)
  • Bestrijding cybercrime met behulp van Kunstmatige Intelligentie (PPS Cybercrime AI)
  • Robust, Effective and Adaptable Ship Designs for Uncertain Transition Paths (READINESS)
  • Strategic Prescriptive Response for Immediate Needs Through Empowered Residents (Sprinter)
  • Urban Mobility Observatory (UMO)
  • Machine learning algorithms for underwater acoustics (Underwater Acoustics)