Database Architectures group news

CWI in Human Brain Project

The European Commission has today officially announced the Human Brain Project (HBP) as one of the two winners of the prestigious FET flagships. The prestigious research project aims to connect all European …

CWI in Human Brain Project

ICT Personality Award 2012 to Peter Apers and Arnold Smeulders

Nederland ICT (former ICT~Office) has awarded its annual ICT Personality Award 2012 to Peter Apers (UT) and Arnold Smeulders (CWI/UvA/COMMIT). They receive this award for their prominent role in ICT research in …

Veni grant for Big Data research

The Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded Stratos Idreos of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam a Veni grant for his project “DataExplore: Querying the Universe in a few …

Veni grant for Big Data research

European Data Forum 2012 announced

On 6 and 7 June 2012, the first European Data Forum will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark. CWI researcher Peter Boncz is one of the organizing partners through the European project Linked …

European Data Forum 2012 announced

Cor Baayen Award 2011 for Stratos Idreos and Luca Mottola

This year, ERCIM – the European Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics – has exceptionally selected two winners for the Cor Baayen Award: Stratos Idreos, researcher in the Database Architectures group of the …

Cor Baayen Award 2011 for Stratos Idreos and Luca Mottola

CWI Database Architecture Group wins VLDB 2011 C&V best paper award

Martin Kersten, research fellow at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, received the Challenges & Visions Track best paper award during the 2011 International Conference on Very Large …

CWI Database Architecture Group wins VLDB 2011 C&V best paper award

Spinque wins cross-lingual PatOlympics

During the recently held PatOlympics (June 2011), an international competition between researchers competing interactively for locating the best search results in patent literature, Spinque, a spin-off company of the Centrum Wiskunde &a

Spinque wins cross-lingual PatOlympics

Stratos Idreos wins 2011 ACM SIGMOD Jim Gray Doctoral Dissertation Award

Stratos Idreos wins 2011 ACM SIGMOD Jim Gray Doctoral Dissertation Award