Database Architectures group news

CWI spin-off company VectorWise sold to Ingres Corporation

The high-tech spin-off company VectorWise from the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam has been sold to Ingres Corporation (USA), a leading open source database management company.

Martin Kersten appointed CWI Fellow

Martin Kersten appointed CWI Fellow

New array database technology for scientists

New array database technology for scientists

Faster database technology with MonetDB/X100

Faster database technology with MonetDB/X100

VLDB 10-year Best Paper Award for hardware-aware database technology

Researchers Peter Boncz, Stefan Manegold, and Martin Kersten of the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam won the prestigious VLDB 10-year Best Paper Award on August 27.

Abstract image of data. Source:  Shutterstock (picture 2918588).

Ingres and CWI spin-off VectorWise announce dramatic database performance improvement

Ingres Corporation, the leading open source database management company, announced on 29th July the Ingres VectorWise project. This is a collaboration between Ingres, VectorWise - a spin-off company from the leading database …

Ingres and CWI spin-off VectorWise announce dramatic database performance improvement

CWI database team wins Best Paper Runner Up at SIGMOD 2009

The database team of CWI received the SIGMOD Best Paper Award Runner Up on July 1, during the 35th SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (ACM SIGMOD'09) in Providence, Rhode Island …

CWI database team wins Best Paper Runner Up at SIGMOD 2009

Automatic extension database systems with new Armada Model

Databases are getting bigger and bigger: an increase of data in the order of gigabytes or even terabytes is not unusual anymore. What to do if a database no longer fits on …

Automatic extension database systems with new Armada Model