
The CWI library has a unique collection of books, journals and reports on mathematics and computer science. Membership and visit is open to everyone.

CWI Institutional Repository - Scholarly works by CWI researchers

Services for CWI employees (log in required)


Membership cards for the CWI Library can be purchased at the library desk (€20) and are valid for one year. Students are entitled to a reduced rate (€12) on presentation of a valid university ID. Payment in cash, no PIN possibility.

Holders of an AdamNet pass and UvA employees or UvA students qualify for free membership of the CWI library.

Rules for borrowers are here.

Visitor information

Opening hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm.

The CWI Library is located on the first floor of the CWI building (Science Park 123, Amsterdam). For access, please report to the reception desk near the main entrance of CWI during library opening hours.

Directions to the CWI building


+31 20 5924027