Intelligent and Autonomous Systems

Studying generic and fundamental mechanisms that enable the emergence of various degrees of organization, intelligence and autonomy in complex systems, and apply them to concrete problems of societal relevance.

The leader of the group Intelligent and Autonomous Systems: Tim Baarslag

Increasingly, our social and technological world is organized around complex systems. These are dynamic networks of interacting nodes (or agents) that continuously exchange digital or physical resources, including data or information, energy, materials and products. The agents in these systems face real challenges, as they often only have access to partial and noisy information and need to operate in a constantly changing and uncertain environment. As a consequence, there is an unrelenting pressure to improve the network’s overall performance and resilience by making the individual nodes more intelligent and autonomous.

In our research group, we study generic and fundamental mechanisms that enable the emergence of various degrees of organization, intelligence and autonomy in such systems, and apply them to concrete problems of societal relevance. IAS researchers combine expertise from both mathematics (e.g. stochastics, game theory, operation research) and computer science (artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computation).

Read more about our research objectives and opportunities.

Video about our research

  • Start
    On 17 April, Valentin Robu will deliver his inaugural lecture at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). The title of his lecture is "Enabling decentralized energy systems with artificial intelligence".


Current projects with external funding

  • Aligning citizens and systems (ALIGN4energy)
  • Coordinating Multi-deal Bilateral Negotiations (COMBINE)
  • Hydrogen technology development and assessment for accelerated use (HyTROS)
  • Energy Intranets (NEAT)
  • PPS TenneT (PPS TenneT)
  • Resilience and Cyber Security of Integrated Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (RESCUE)
  • Testing and Evaluating Sophisticated information and communication Technologies for enaBling scalablE smart griD Deployment (TESTBED-2)