CWI Director and Management Team

CWI is managed by our director Ton de Kok, institute manager Dick Broekhuis and a management team (MT). It is supervised by the NWO-I Foundation Board, and advised by the Institute Advisory Committee (IAR), Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and the Works Council.

CWI Director

Prof. Ton de Kok is director of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), the Dutch national research centre for mathematics and computer science. After finishing his PhD at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Kok joined Philips, where he explored ways to better connect logistics and production with each other, as well as with the market. Since 1991, De Kok has been a professor of Quantitative Analysis of Logistical Management Problems at Eindhoven University of Technology.

Management Team

The Management Team (MT) of CWI consists of the following members:

The scientific MT members also serve as supervisors of the research group leaders at CWI.

For a chart of our organization go to the organization page.