N&O seminar: Arne Heimendahl (U. Cologne)

Everyone is welcome to attend the N&O lecture of Arne Heimendahl, with the title 'Faces of the stabilizer polytope and robustness measures'.

11 Apr 2019 from 1:30 p.m. to 11 Apr 2019 2:30 p.m. CEST (GMT+0200)
CWI, Lecture room L120

Everyone is welcome to attend the N&O lecture of Arne Heimendahl, with the title: 'Faces of the stabilizer polytope and robustness measures'.

The stabiliser polytope plays an essential role in the magic state model of fault tolerant quantum computation. In this model all
unitary gates belong to the Clifford group and Non-Clifford operations are effectuated by injecting magic states.
The stabiliser polytope lives in the space of 2^n x 2^n Hermitian matrices with trace one. Its vertices are stabiliser states, which are rank one projectors onto the common +1 eigenspace of certain sets of Pauli matrices acting on n qubits. These sets are precisely abelian subgroups of order 2^n in the Pauli group acting on n qubits.
Applying a basis transformation, the stabiliser polytope can be embedded in a larger family of integral polytopes living in the (4^n -1)-dimensional real Euclidean space and I will investigate a certain type of its faces which are related to integral points in a dual version of these polytopes.
Besides, I will discuss the application of a hyperplane description of a polytope to the 'robustness of magic', a measure that is closely related to the robustness of entanglement and measures the utility of a state for the procedure of magic state distillation.