All stories
CWI publishes on a regular basis news item about our research, education and the social impact of this research. In addition to news items, we publish more extensive stories about high-profile research or about CWI tackling social issues.
Bringing Quantum Computers Closer to Reality
The concept of quantum computing was first proposed back in the 1980s and since then the race has been on to develop the first reliable, scalable quantum computer. Done right, this revolutionary …

Domein-specifieke talen: meer mogelijk maken met minder code
Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) kennen veel voordelen. Zo is programmeren met DSLs efficiënter, sneller en minder foutgevoelig dan bijvoorbeeld programmeren in Java. Tijs van der Storm, senior onderzoeker aan het CWI en …

What is code and what is coding?
There exist thousands of programming languages, but only a dozen of them are popular beyond a few hundred users of the language. Some of them are used by hundreds of thousands of …