Rob van den Berg
Full Name
Prof.dr. J. van den Berg
+31 20 592 4088
Scientific Staff Member, retired, Professor - Vrije Universiteit

All publicationsAwards
ESF Award - For ESF-ERCOM Conference Combinatorics and Analysis in Spatial Probability (2010)
Professional activities
Professor: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Editor: Associative editor Journal: Annals of Probability
Organizer: Co-organizer Yearly three-day course in Hilversum for PhD students in Stochastics.
Organizer: Coordinator of Dutch participants in the NSF/PIRE project of the Courant Institute, NYU.; PI was C.M. Newman (Courant Institute, New York).Three 3-month visits by Courant institute PhD students (and shorter visits by postdocs) to CWI and VU were made in the framework of this project.
Speaker: Invited speaker: Workshop "Forest fires, frozen percolation and endogeny", Erdös Center
Speaker: Invited speaker: Workshop "Recent trends in spatial stochastic processes", Eurandom
Speaker: Invited speaker: "A version of the OSSS inequality for uniformly drawn subsets of fixed size", Conference "70 Years of Percolation", University of Cambridge (UK)
Speaker: Invited speaker: "An OSSS-type inequality for uniformly drawn subsets of fixed size", Workshop "New developments in random interacting systems", Technical University of Munich (Germany)
Speaker: Invited speaker: "Forest fires with ignitions from the boundary", Workshop "Random Media and Random Fields", Lorentz Center (Leiden)
STAR STAR project, co-applicant, (PI of this project is M. Heydenreich, Leiden): involves one PhD student (S. Bethuelsen) 2012-2016 (2012)
STAR Two-year STAR project, co-PI with R. Meester (VU), concerning a postdoc (Anne Fey) /OIO (R. Conijn) position(shared between CWI and VU); 2010-2012. (2010)
NWO Open Competition - four-year PhD project (2008)
NWO Open Competition - grant: two-year postdoc project (2005)