Van Liere appointed professor of virtual reality

CWI researcher Robert van Liere has been appointed part-time professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology. As of September 1, he holds the chair of virtual reality.

Publication date
1 Sep 2004

CWI researcher Robert van Liere has been appointed part-time professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology. As of September 1, he holds the chair of virtual reality.

Van Liere is leader of CWI's Visualization and 3D Interfaces group (INS3). He works on virtual reality user interfaces and visualization. With these techniques scientists can visualize and analyze complex data or intricate objects like molecules. This research has resulted in the development of the Personal Space Station, a low-cost virtual reality set-up, and the computer program Argos that can assist pathologists with cancer detection.

More information can be found on INS3's website or van Liere's homepage