Co-founder DuckDB selected Technology Talent of 2023 by magazine De Ingenieur

Former CWI researcher Mark Raasveldt is one of 15 Technology Talents of 2023 selected by magazine De Ingenieur.

Publication date
16 Jan 2023

Together with CWI Hannes Mühleisen from our Database Architectures group Mark Raasveldt founded startup DuckDB. They developed a lightweight database system that manages and analyzes large amounts of data in a highly efficient way.

Whether it concerns sustainability, digitization, urbanization or you name it: the keyword of the coming decades is transition. The engineers who will give shape to this are today's young technical talents. De Ingenieur asked companies, educational institutions and research institutes about their greatest engineering talents and selected the 15 greatest talents of the moment. Together they provide a good and hopeful picture of the modern engineer in 2023.

Read more in De Ingenieur about Mark Raasveldt and startup DuckDB. (in Dutch)

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