CWI publishes news item about its research, education and the social impact of this research on a regular basis. In addition to news items, we also publish more extensive stories about high-profile research or about CWI contributing to tackling social issues.
Crosscutting Concerns in Embedded Software Systems
Magiel Bruntink (CWI) received his PhD degree with honours on 17 March 2008 at Delft University of Technology (TUD). He investigated the phenomenon of idiomatic crosscutting concerns in embedded software. His research …
Barry Koren appointed professor of Numerical Mathematics
On 1 March 2008 Barry Koren was appointed professor of Numerical Mathematics at Leiden University. He will combine this position with his work at CWI as head of the research group Scientific …
Dick C.A. Bulterman appointed professor of Distributed Multimedia Languages and Infrastructures
On 1 March 2008, CWI researcher Dick Bulterman was appointed professor of Distributed Multimedia Languages and Infrastructures at the VU University Amsterdam (VU). At the VU Bulterman will work within the Business, …
Cryptography in a quantum world
Cryptography is the art of secrecy. Nearly as old as the art of writing itself, it concerns itself with one of the most fundamental problems faced by any society whose success crucially …
Frank de Boer appointed professor of Software Correctness
On 15 February 2008 CWI researcher Frank de Boer has been appointed professor of Software Correctness at Leiden University. At the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) he is part of …
Bert Gerards appointed Adjunct Professor at the University of Waterloo, Canada
From 1 January 2008 till 31 December 2012 Bert Gerards is appointed as Adjunct Professor at the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization of the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. It's an honorary …
Keeping fairness alive. Design and format verification of optimistic fair exchange protocols
In his PhD thesis, Keeping fairness alive. Design and format verification of optimistic fair exchange protocols, Mohammad Torabi Dashti studied two aspects: the design and the verification of optimistic 'fair exchange protocols'.
CWI: Work in progress
CWI is in full swing. Our employees literally get more room to do fundamental research in societally relevant themes. In the summer of 2009 4000 additional square meters will become available for …