Computer Security

By using a fundamental approach for security engineering, we build trust. We study how to secure computational environments in the presence of strong adversaries where we formally model security guarantees such as privacy, integrity, correctness, and more.

The leader of the group Computer Security: Marten van Dijk

The Computer Security group contributes to making our society a safe place with digital and physical infrastructures that can be trusted to have the best interest of citizens and industry in mind. Our work constructively contributes new mechanisms and solutions to security problems.

We are committed to bringing rigorous cryptographic style thinking to security engineering. We study, analyze, and design secure computing environments from various perspectives such as secure processor architectures and cyber physical system security but also secure machine learning functionalities. We provide a holistic approach and use various techniques for reasoning about security, safety, and resilience ranging from formal methods to cryptographic proofs.

More information on the Computer Security group.


All publications

Current projects with external funding

  • Challenges in Cybersecurity (None)