Platform Wiskunde Nederland (PWN) is a Dutch platform to improve the position and visibility of mathematics in the Netherlands. Their office is located at CWI.

Platform Wiskunde Nederland (PWN) is a Dutch platform to improve the position and visibility of mathematics in the Netherlands.

PWN makes an effort to:

  • improve the public image of mathematics and mathematicians;
  • improve on a stable infrastructure of scientific education and research;
  • improve the position of mathematics in primary and secondary education;
  • improve the connection between secondary education and higher education;
  • improve the link between scientific mathematics and (innovative applications in) industry.

Founders of PWN were the Koninklijk Wiskundig Genootschap (Royal Mathematics Society, KWG) and the Nederlandse Vereniging van Wiskundeleraren (Dutch Association of Mathematics Teachers, NvvW).

PWN comprises five committees: Education, Research, Innovation, Publicity, and Publications.  

The PWN office is located at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam.

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