Advisory Bodies

CWI consists of 15 research groups and several supporting departments. The institute is managed by the director Prof. A.G. (Ton) de Kok, institute manager Dick Broekhuis and our management team (MT), supervised by the Foundation Board NWO-I, and advised by an Institute Advisory Council (IAR), an Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and the Works Council.

Institute Advisory Committee (Instituutsadviesraad)

The Institute Advisory Committee (in Dutch: Instituutsadviesraad, or IAR) contributes to maintain and strengthen strategic relationships with science, business, politics and other relevant national parties. IAR members have affinity with the research carried out at CWI and contribute expertise and advice from a wide range of perspectives. The Institute Advisory Committee meets at least once a year and consists of the following persons:

  • Prof. dr. A.H.G. (Alexander) Rinnooy Kan (voorzitter), Professor Emeritus of Economics and Business Studies, UvA
  • Prof. dr. J.J. (Johan) Lukkien, Professor of System Architecture and Networks, former Dean Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e
  • Prof. dr. ir. K.I. (Karen) Aardal, Professor of Optimization, TUD
  • Prof. dr. ir. J.E. (Jason) Frank, Professor of Numerical Analysis, UU
  • Dr. ir. C.L.A. (Christa) Hooijer, Director of Science and Technology Defence Safety and Security
  • Prof.dr. S.J.L. (Sonja) Smets, Professor of Logic and Epistemology at the Institute for Logic Language and Computation, UVA

Scientific Advisory Committee

The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) advises the institute through the director and management team. It advises on the long-term strategy and the research programme from an international perspective. The members of the SAC are leading experts from international organisations and institutes in the fields of CWI’s research. The SAC meets at least once a year.

The Scientific Advisory Committee consists of the following scientists:

  • Prof. dr. A. (Arjen) Doelman (voorzitter), Professor of Applied Analysis, Leiden University
  • Prof. D.C. (David) Parkes, Professor of Computer Science, Harvard University, USA
  • Prof. É. (Éva) Tardos, Jacob Gould Schurman Professor of Computer Science, Cornell University, USA
  • Prof. C.B. (Carola-Bibiane) Schönlieb, Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Cambridge, UK