Coordination with Performance Guarantees

Project code: CooPerResearch Group: Component-based models and software architectures (SEN3.1)Start: 2006-01-01 End: 2009-01-01 Coordinator of this project: Farhad Arbab

Project code: CooPer
Research Group: Component-based models and software architectures (SEN3.1)

Start: 2006-01-01
End: 2009-01-01

Coordinator of this project: Farhad Arbab

The component connector emerges as a powerful concept for coordination of multiple activities in a large-scale distributed processing environment. Coordination models and languages serve as means to formally specify and implement component connectors. Compositional coordination models and languages, such as Reo, offer the additional benefit of allowing one to build complex component connectors out of simpler ones, and as such provide a powerful means to build large-scale distributed applications. Perceivable Quality of Service (QoS) degradation represents a key issue in large-scale distributed applications running in an environment where resources (bandwidth, CPU power) may become scarce. This raises the question about component connectors that offer guarantees in order to satisfy users' end-to-end QoS require-ments. Motivated by this, the CooPer project aims to develop coordination models and tools for specification and implementation of complex connectors with QoS guarantees. This will enable us to control the end-to-end QoS of applications in large-scale distributed processing environments.

Farhad Arbab, Frank de Boer, Young-Joo Moon, Jan Rutten, Meng Sun.

This NWO/i-Science/GLANCE project is a interdisciplinary project of CWI/SEN3 and CWI/PNA2.4.