Distributed and Interactive Systems

Facilitating and improving the way people access media and communicate with others and the environment, in areas such as wearable technology and smart textiles, immersive media, languages and infrastructures.

The leader of the group Distributed and Interactive Systems: Pablo Santiago César Garcia

Our research group focuses on facilitating and improving the way people use interactive systems and how people communicate with each other. We combine data science with a strong human-centric, empirical approach to understand the experience of users. This enables us to design and develop next generation intelligent and empathic systems. We base our results on realistic testing grounds and data sets, and embrace areas such as ubiquitous computing, human-centered multimedia systems, and languages.

The group addresses key problems for society and science, following a multi-disciplinary approach. This results in a full-stack methodology that enables us to bridge socio-technical gaps in society and science by instrumenting the appropriate infrastructures and communication protocols using realistic testing grounds.

Distributed and Interactive Systems is an outward-looking research group, that enjoys a number of fruitful partnerships with companies and organizations in the areas of creative industries, smart cities, automotive industry and wellbeing. Our group transfers knowledge through scientific publications, standards bodies, open-source implementations and consultancy. We pride ourselves on pushing boundaries, leading the way for others to follow.

For more information, visit our webpage: www.dis.cwi.nl

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Current projects with external funding

  • Deploying and demonstrating a 3D cultural heritage space (5D Culture)
  • AI, Media & Democracy Lab (ELSA Lab)
  • ICT prijs Pablo Cesar Garcia (ICT prijs Pablo Cesar Garcia)
  • Transforming European INDUstrial Ecosystems through eXtended Reality enhanced by human-centric AI and secure, 5G-enabled IoT (INDUX-R)
  • Ignite the Immersive Media Sector by Enabling New Narrative Visions (TransMIXR)
  • Voice driven interaction in XR spaces (VOXReality)
  • WISE subsidie Irene Viola (WISE subsidie Irene Viola)