QuSoft seminar: Farrokh Labib (QuSoft, CWI)

Everyone is welcome to attend the online QuSoft seminar with Farrokh Labib (QuSoft, CWI) on Low depth algorithms for quantum amplitude estimation. If you would like to attend, please contact Jop Briët (j.briet@cwi.nl) or Subhasree Patro (Subhasree.Patro@cwi.nl).

22 Jan 2021 from 11 a.m. to 22 Jan 2021 noon CET (GMT+0100)

Everyone is welcome to attend the online QuSoft seminar with Farrokh Labib on ' Low depth algorithms for quantum amplitude estimation' .

Abstract: Amplitude estimation (AE) is a fundamental quantum algorithm that is used in many algorithms as a subroutine. For example, it provides speedups for Monte Carlo methods and inner product estimation, both of which are relevant for applications in finance and machine learning. The classical algorithm for AE uses quantum phase estimation (QPE), but recently many QPE-free quantum algorithms have been introduced for AE (Aaronson and Rall, Grinko et al, Suzuki et al.). The reason to avoid QPE is because it is not very amenable for NISQ devices due to its high depth. Furthermore, we would like to have control on the depth of the algorithm for AE, tweaking it to our liking depending on how good our quantum computers are. There will be a trade-off between depth and total number of oracle calls: lowering the depth increases the total number of oracle calls between the optimal quantum and classical scaling. We provide to such algorithms; the first one is based on the framework of Suzuki et al,
where we use ‘’powerlaw schedules’’ and the second algorithm uses the Chinese Remainder Theorem. Both algorithms have similar trade-offs between depth and number of oracle calls.
(Joint work with T. Giurgica-Tiron, I. Kerenidis, A. Prakash and W. Zeng)

If you would like to attend, please contact Jop Briët (j.briet@cwi.nl) or Subhasree Patro (Subhasree.Patro@cwi.nl).