Mathematics for money and games for maths teachers

Could the performance and development of a football player be calculated with mathematics? Does a fair electoral system exist for a democracy? Which games could be solved with group theory? These and many other topics will be discussed during the Summer Course for Mathematics Teachers 2009, named in Dutch: 'Tel uit je winst – wiskunde in geld en spelen'.

Publication date
21 Aug 2009

Could the performance and development of a football player be calculated with mathematics? Does a fair electoral system exist for a democracy? Which games could be solved with group theory? These and many other topics will be discussed during the Summer Course for Mathematics Teachers 2009, named in Dutch: 'Tel uit je winst – wiskunde in geld en spelen'. The course will take place in Amsterdam on 21 and 22 August, and in Eindhoven on August 28 and August 29. This year, it will be organized for the 63rd time by both CWI and the Dutch association of mathematics teachers – NVvW.

Whether it’s about tactics in sports and games, or the strategy for negotiations on financial markets, whether it’s about the real marbles or the proverbial ones, mathematics is everywhere. The goal of this course is to make this clear to the audience.

The topics of this year’s Summer Course are: an introduction to mathematics in financial products and markets, mathematics and sports, playing with group theory, insurance and pensions in the 17th and 18th centuries, pricing of derivatives in the binomial tree model, 'bribe money' to assist in education, social software about the mathematics of human activities, and the mathematical impossibility of democracy. The summer course is sponsored by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The aim of the course is to enthuse teachers, and (by means of the teachers) also pupils for mathematics.

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