New BRICKS website online

During the BRICKS Project and Advisory Board meeting on 3 October 2006 the new BRICKS website has officially been launched. The website offers all sorts of background information on BRICKS, and provides an overview of the 33 research projects and its people involved. Also publications and research highlights can be found.

Publication date
4 Oct 2006

During the BRICKS Project and Advisory Board meeting on 3 October 2006 the new BRICKS website has officially been launched. The website offers all sorts of background information on BRICKS, and provides an overview of the 33 research projects and its people involved. Also publications and research highlights can be found.

BRICKS stands for Basic Research in Informatics for Creating the Knowledge Society. It combines unique research expertise in the Netherlands in different, challenging fields of computer science, computational mathematics and relevant application fields where innovations are urgent. The research is related to four of the nine themes of the National Research Agenda Informatics (NOAG-I): Parallel and Distributed Computing; Modelling, Simulation and Visualization; Intelligent Systems; Algorithms and Formal Methods. BRICKS is a knowledge consortium of six scientific institutions: CWI, NWO, Utrecht University, Twente University, Delft University of Technology, and Eindhoven University of Technology.