Felix Lucka
Full Name
Dr. F. Lucka
+31 20 592 4071
Scientific Staff Member

All publicationsProfessional activities
Speaker: "Sparse Bayesian Inference & Uncertainty Quantication for Inverse Imaging Problems", Statistics for Structures Seminar, University of Leiden
Organizer: Minisymposium "Imaging with Light and Sound", SIAM Imaging Science, Bologna (2018)
Speaker: "Variational Models for Dynamic Tomography", Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation, Malta, May 21 - 25, 2018.
Speaker: "Hierarchical Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification for EEG/MEG Source Reconstruction", SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Bologna
Speaker: "Challenges of Mathematical Image Reconstruction", Colloquium Mathematics, Groningen
Organizer: Minisymposium "Tomographic Imaging: Recent Advances, Exciting Applications and New Horizons", Applied Inverse Problems Conference, Grenoble (2019)
Organizer: Minisymposium "Deep Learning and Inverse Problems", ICIAM, Valencia (2019)
Organizer: MUMMERING Workshop on "Dynamic Imaging", Leiden (2019)
Speaker: "On Challenges in Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography and Ultrasound Computed Tomography", Mathematical and Numerical Approaches for Multi-Wave Inverse Problems, Marseille
Speaker: "Challenges of Mathematical Image Reconstruction", DIAMANT symposium, Eindhoven
Speaker: "Deep Learning for Computed Tomography Applications", Applied Inverse Problems Conference, Grenoble
Speaker: "Computational and Practical Challenges of 4D Tomography Applications", Applied Inverse Problems Conference, Grenoble
Speaker: "New Applications and Challenges in X-Ray Tomography", ICIAM, Valencia
Speaker: "Hierarchical Bayesian Uncertainty Quantication for EEG/MEG Source Reconstruction", ICIAM, Valencia
Speaker: "4D Computed Tomography with Sequential Scanning Systems", IMA, London
Speaker: "Dynamic Image Reconstruction & Motion Estimation", MUMMERING Workshop on Dynamic Imaging, Leiden
Speaker: "Time-Domain Full Waveform Inversion for High Resolution 3D Ultrasound Computed Tomography of the Breast", International Workshop on Medical Ultrasound Tomography, Detroit
Speaker: "Image Reconstruction: A Playground for Curious Applied Mathematicians", CWI Scientific Meetings , Amsterdam
Speaker: "Image Reconstruction: A Playground for Applied Mathematicians", Partial differential equations and applications seminar, TU Delft
Speaker: "Imaging the Acoustic and Optical Properties of the Breast with USCT and PAT", SIAM Imaging Science
Speaker: "Joint Tomographic Image Reconstruction and Motion Estimation", SIAM Imaging Science
Organizer: Dutch Inverse Problems Meeting (2021)
Speaker: "Simultaneous Tomographic Image Reconstruction and Motion Estimation", UGCT Seminar, Feb 23, 2021.
Speaker: "Computational Challenges in Photoacoustic and Ultrasonic Breast Imaging", Excalibur SLE Workshop, May 07, 2021.
Speaker: "Deep Learning in Computational Imaging", MaLGA Seminar Series
Organizer: Dutch Inverse Problems Meeting (2022)
Organizer: FleX-ray Lab 5 Years Anniversary Symposium (2022)
Speaker: "Computational and Experimental Challenges of 3D Ultrasound Tomography", Conference on Mathematics of Wave Phenomena”, KIT
Speaker: "Image Reconstruction - A Playground for Applied Mathematicians", Applied Analysis Seminar, Radboud University
Speaker: "Photoacoustic and Ultrasonic Tomography for Breast Imaging", SIAM Imaging Science conference
Speaker: "Photoacoustic & Ultrasonic Tomography for Breast Cancer Imaging", 3rd IMA Conference on Inverse Problems from Theory to Application, Edinburgh
Speaker: "Deep Learning in Computational Imaging", AI & Mathematics Workshop, Amsterdam
Speaker: "Ultrasonic Breast Tomography via 3D Full Waveform Inversion", Department of Imaging Physics, TU Delft
Speaker: "Photoacoustic and Ultrasonic Tomography for Breast Imaging", CWI Scientific Meetings, Amsterdam
Speaker: "Photoacoustic and Ultrasonic Tomography for Breast Imaging", INI workshop on Rich and non-linear tomography in medical imaging, materials and non destructive testing, Cambridge, UK.
Speaker: "Photoacoustic and Ultrasonic Tomography for Breast Imaging", Oberwolfach Workshop on Tomographic Inverse Problems: Mathematical Challenges and Novel Applications, Germany.
Speaker: "Learning for X-ray Computed Tomography", INdAM workshop on Learning for Inverse Problems, Rome, Italy
Speaker: "Photoacoustic and Ultrasonic Tomography for Breast Imaging" Applied Inverse Problems Conference, Götteningen, Germany
Organizer: Dutch Inverse Problems Meeting (2023)
Speaker: "Photoacoustic and Ultrasonic Tomography for Breast Imaging", Medical Physics Seminar at the MLU Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
NWO Vidi grant on Dynamic X-ray Computed Tomography using Deep Generative Networks (2024)
EC HORIZON TMA MSCA grant on Computational Imaging as a Training Network for Smart Biomedical Devices (2023)
NWO KLEIN-I grant on Translation-Driven Development of Deep Learning for Simultanous Tomographic Image Reconstruction and Segmentation (2020)
PPP project with Applus RTD on Deep learning and compressed sensing for ultrasonic nondestructive testing (2019)
Current projects with external funding
COmputaNal Imaging as a training Network for Smart biomedical dEvices (CONcISE (101072354))
Dynamic X-ray Computed Tomography using Deep Generative Networks (None)
Translation-Driven Development of Deep Learning for Simultaneous Tomographic Image Reconstruction and Segmentation (None)