W3C Benelux and ISOC Belgium spread open internet standards

The Benelux Office of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C Benelux) and the Internet Society Belgium (ISOC Belgium) have agreed to cooperate to spread open standards to the internet communities of Belgium and Luxemburg. The cooperation is recorded in a Memorandum of Understanding signed on June 11, 2004.

Publication date
14 Jun 2004

The Benelux Office of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C Benelux) and the Internet Society Belgium (ISOC Belgium) have agreed to cooperate to spread open standards to the internet communities of Belgium and Luxemburg. The cooperation is recorded in a Memorandum of Understanding signed on June 11, 2004.

W3C Benelux and ISOC Belgium intend to organize joint activities to increase the knowledge on possibilities and complications of standards among internet professionals, decision makers, scientists, and other parties. An evaluation after six months shows whether the collaboration will be continued and possibly even expanded.

Both W3C Benelux and ISOC Belgium develop and promote open standards for the storage, transformation, and reproduction of information. High-quality, stable open standards encrease the efficiency of these processes and enable users to share knowledge and unlock information.

The Benelux W3C Office is managed by CWI.

More information can be found on INS0's website, the Benelux W3C Office or ISOC Belgium