Quantum experts Harry Buhrman (CWI, QuSoft and UvA) and Ronald Hanson (QuTech, TU Delft) showed a glimpse of their scientific minds at the Lowlands Pop Festival on Saturday 19 August 2017. They discussed the quantum revolution: what effects will quantum computing and quantum networks have on science and our society?
Harry Burhman is the group leader of the Algorithms and Complexity research group at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and director of QuSoft. The talkshow was an initiative of New Scientist magazine and VPRO / Mind of the Universe, supported by KNAW and VSNU. Lowlands was sold out.
More information:
- https://shop.newscientist.nl/nl/content/111585/new-scientist-op-lowlands.html (in Dutch).
Pictures of the Lowlands Quantum Talkshow
Harry Buhrman introduces quantum software research and QuSoft…
…explains quantum mechanics...
...demonstrates quantum and talks with QuTech's Ronald Hanson and the audience.
Both researchers after the show, free to sample what more Lowlands has to offer!
Pictures: Kees Buhrman for the QuSoft website.