Professorship for Farhad Arbab

Farhad Arbab has been appointed Leids University Foundation Professor of Software Composition at the Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science, Leiden University, at June 1. Arbab has worked at CWI since 1990 and currently leads the Component-based Models and Software Architectures group (SEN3.1) in the Coordination Languages research theme SEN3. Arbab has previously worked on geometric models of solid objects, computer aided design and manufacturing, and computer graphics.

Publication date
30 Jul 2004

Farhad Arbab has been appointed Leids University Foundation Professor of Software Composition at the Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science, Leiden University, at June 1. Arbab has worked at CWI since 1990 and currently leads the Component-based Models and Software Architectures group (SEN3.1) in the Coordination Languages research theme SEN3.

Arbab has previously worked on geometric models of solid objects, computer aided design and manufacturing, and computer graphics. His current research interests include theoretical and applied systems aspects of software composition, coordination models and languages, component based software, concurrency, distributed and parallel programming, semantics and formal methods. Arbab was a co-founder of the CWI's spin-off software technology company Adaptive Planet.

More information can be found on SEN3's website, Farhad Arbab's homepage, Leidse wetenschappers or Adaptive Planet