The Science Park Amsterdam starts a new research line on systems biology in the life sciences. This frontier research - in which biologists, physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists collaborate - is interesting because it will show how proteins, genes and other biochemicals cooperate in biomolecular networks. Goal of this research is to understand how living organisms really function.
The Science Park Amsterdam invests 2.45 million euro in this cooperation. It realizes this with a 1.25 million euro funding by NWO, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, received on July 8, as part of appointments with the Science Park Amsterdam. CWI, AMOLF and SILS (UvA) will each contribute 400,000 euro to this research. Results will have applications in public health and the food industry.
New research line life sciences for Science Park Amsterdam
The Science Park Amsterdam starts a new research line on systems biology in the life sciences. This frontier research - in which biologists, physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists collaborate - is interesting because it will show how proteins, genes and other biochemicals cooperate in biomolecular networks. Goal of this research is to understand how living organisms really function.
Publication date
13 Jul 2005
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