Five articles from the Netherlands in ERCIM News 96 on Linked Open Data

ERCIM News No. 96 - with a special theme on Linked Open Data - was published online at the end of January and in print in February 2014. There were as much as five contributions from the Netherlands to this publication.

Publication date
3 Feb 2014

ERCIM News No. 96 - with a special theme on Linked Open Data - was published online at the end of January and in print in February 2014. There were as much as five contributions from the Netherlands to this publication.

Special Theme: "Linked Open Data"

Guest editors: Irini Fundulaki (FORTH) and Sören Auer (Un. Bonn and Fraunhofer IAIS)

Keynote: "Linked Data: The Quiet Revolution" by Wendy Hall

Contributions from the Netherlands are:

Building Virtual Earth Observatories Using Scientific Database and Semantic Web Technologies by Kostis Kyzirakos (CWI), Stefan Manegold (CWI), Charalampos Nikolaou (N&K Un. Athens, Greece) and Manolis Koubarakis (N&K Un. Athens, Greece)

Linking Historical Entities to the Linked Open data Cloud by Maarten Marx (UvA)

Benchmarking Linked Open Data Management Systems by Renzo Angles (VUA, Un. Talca - Chile), Minh-Duc Pham (CWI) and Peter Boncz (CWI)

MonetDB/RDF: Discovering and Exploiting the Emergent Schema of RDF Data by Minh-Duc Pham (CWI) and Peter Boncz (CWI) 

Small Data by Steven Pemberton (CWI) - Joint ERCIM Actions section

This issue for download in pdf and epub format.

Next issue: No. 97, April 2014 - Special Theme: "Cyber-Physical Systems"

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