PhD Defence Lucas Slot (N&O)

Everyone was welcome to attend the public defense of Lucas Slot, of his thesis ' Asymptotic Analysis of Semidefinite Bounds for Polynomial Optimization and Independent Sets in Geometric Hypergraphs'. He graduated with honours ('cum laude').

30 Sep 2022 from 10 a.m. to 30 Sep 2022 11:30 a.m. CEST (GMT+0200)
Aula in the Cobbenhagen building, Warandelaan 2, in Tilburg

Everyone was welcome to attend the public defense of Lucas Slot, of his thesis ' Asymptotic Analysis of Semidefinite Bounds for Polynomial Optimization and Independent Sets in Geometric Hypergraphs' .

Promotores: Prof. Monique Laurent (CWI, Tilburg University) and Prof. Etienne de Klerk (Tilburg University)

Lucas Slot graduated with honours ('cum laude')!