Multiscale Dynamics group news
Better simulations for lightning and high-voltage technology
Until recently, it was not clear how lightning could start. CWI PhD student Casper Rutjes modelled and simulated the origin of lightning and ionizing radiation from storm clouds and explained the physics …

Radio telescope LOFAR shows how lightning grows
Dutch radio telescope LOFAR can observe the creation of lightning flashes at an unprecedented one-metre resolution, which may lead to better lightning protection. The results were published by an international scientific team …

In Memoriam Willem Hundsdorfer
With sadness, we let you know that our colleague Prof. Willem Hundsdorfer passed away on Friday 10 November, at the age of 63. Since 1984 Willem had been affiliated with CWI; first …

Lightning produces afterglow of gamma radiation
Ionizing radiation due to lightning shines for much longer than presumed before: up to 10,000 times longer. This was demonstrated for the first time by computer simulations of CWI researchers. Their work …

Vidi grant for Enrico Camporeale’s space weather research
CWI researcher Enrico Camporeale received a Vidi grant from NWO for his proposal 'Real-time forecasting of killer electrons on satellite orbits' in May 2017. He received the 800,000 euro grant to develop …

New electricity grids possible with computer simulations
Renewable energy requires new electricity grids, sometimes over entire continents, because 'green energy' is often generated in remote locations.

Four million euro for EU SAINT network on thunderstorm research
In May 2016 the EU 'SAINT' Innovative Training Network in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Programme was awarded a 4 Million euro grant. SAINT stands for ‘Science and Innovation with Thunderstorms’. Its 19 …

Cum laude for 3D modelling of pulsed discharges in air
PhD student Jannis Teunissen from Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) has made major progress in modelling the early stages of electric discharges as they occur in lightning, high voltage electricity nets and …