Machine Learning group news
CWI simulates brain activity on video cards
Neuroinformaticists of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam managed to simulate complex brain activity on simple video cards. The simulated brain contains 50,000 neurons communicating with 35 million signals per second. …
Early genetic code very resistant to mutation
Researchers of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam show that the genetic code is remarkably resistant to DNA replication errors. This might explain the success of the common ancestor of all …

CWI co-launches Dutch Machine Learning Platform website
Ten organizations, including the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam, launched the Dutch Machine Learning Platform website on 8 July. The URL is:

Cum laude for thesis 'Combining Strategies Efficiently' from Wouter Koolen
Computer programs advise on stock market investments

CWI answers the most intriguing ‘Quest reader’s question’
"How many people were ever born on earth?", a reader asked the magazine Quest. On request CWI researcher Peter Grunwald made an estimate of 107.5 billion.

Peter Grünwald appointed Professor in Leiden
As of 1 November, CWI researcher Peter Grünwald has been appointed Professor Statistical Learning at the Mathematical Institute of Leiden University.

CWI builds new supercomputer
CWI has started the construction of a new supercomputer cluster in the beginning of October 2003. The cluster, consisting of 48 dual and quad AMD Opteron systems, is the first quad Opteron …
Sander Bohte receives NWO grants
The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research NWO has granted a VENI subsidy to CWI researcher Sander Bohte. Bohte will use the grant, approved in March 2003, to further his research on spiking …