FleXRay Lab 5 years anniversary (Semester Programme)

In 2017, CWI and partners founded the FleX-ray Lab - a custom-made, fully-automated X-ray CT scanner linked to large-scale computing hardware. At the FleX-ray Lab mathematics and computer science meet, combining novel algorithms and a state-of-the-art X-ray scanner. The Computational Imaging group uses this unique facility to develop advanced computational techniques for 3D imaging in collaboration with partners from health care, science, industry and cultural heritage.

In this symposium, we will look back at some of the scientific highlights of the past years, and outline future plans. In addition, speakers from different scientific areas will illustrate how they use X-ray CT to answer research questions and what specific imaging challenges arise from their applications.

The preliminary program:
13:30 - 13:40 Welcome by CWI’s Director Ton de Kok
13:40 - 14:30 Presentation by Tristan van Leeuwen, Felix Lucka & Martin Fransen on “The FleX-ray Lab – Past, Present and Future
14:30 - 15:00 break
15:00 - 17:00 Scientific talks with:
* Willem Renema (Naturalis)
* Marta Domínguez Delmás (UvA)
* Matthieu Boone (Ugent)
* Irene Hernández-Girón (LUMC)
17:00 - 18:00 Drinks
For more information about the speakers and their presentations, please click here.

We are organizing a hybrid event: onsite in the Amsterdam Science Park Congress Centre and via a live video stream. Please also register when you want to join via the live stream - we will then be able to send you the link on the day of the event. For inquiries and further details about this symposium, please contact event coordinator Daniëlle Kollerie (D.C.Kollerie@cwi.nl).

CWI's Computational Imaging group organises a series of events about 'Data Driven Inverse Problem' in the context of a Semester Programme. The full programme can be found here.


