It is with great regret that we have to inform you that Jos Baetens retirement symposium, scheduled for 1 October, has been cancelled because of tighter coronavirus restrictions in the Netherlands.

Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) of the NWO Institute Organisation and the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam organize a symposium on the occasion of the retirement of Jos Baeten as general director of CWI and professor of theory of computing of ILLC on Thursday 1 October 2020.
Due to restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus, such as social distancing, space is limited at the venue. In order to comply with these restrictions, only a limited number of attendees are allowed. CWI has sent personal invitations to those who are selected to attend the symposium.
For others, this live video stream of the symposium will be offered.

13.40 Opening Wan Fokkink (chair of the day, VUA)
13.45 Jan Friso Groote (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Presentation: Branching bisimulation is the best process equivalence ever
14.15 Sjouke Mauw (University of Luxembourg)
Presentation: Discovering e-passport vulnerabilities using bisimilarity
14.45 Twan Basten (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Presentation: An Algebra for Quality and Resource Management
15.15 break
16.00 Ana Sokolova (University of Salzburg)
Presentation: Algebra for Probability and Nondeterminism
16.30 Jos Baeten (CWI)
Presentation: The computer and me
17.20 Stan Gielen (NWO)
Presentation: How to fulfill an impossible job
17.25 Sonja Smets (ILLC Universiteit van Amsterdam) & presentation of liber
Presentation: From Logic to Computation
18.00 end of program
More information about the speakers and their presentation, can be found here.
For inquiries and further details about the symposium, please contact event coordinator Daniëlle Kollerie ( Interested parties who want to offer Jos a personal handout at the symposium, should contact Daniëlle as well.