Andreas Weber, University of Twente, Department of Technology, Policy and Society (TPS)

HAICu (digital Humanities – Artificial Intelligence – Cultural heritage) Continual machine learning with humans in the loop

Andreas Weber
Andreas Weber

Andreas Weber is an associate professor of Long-Term Development of Science and Technology at the University of Twente. His research examines the relationship between Science, Technology and Society from a long-term historical and global perspective. This includes research into how computational technologies are and can be used to contextualize digitized archives and collections (e.g., biodiversity heritage collections from former colonial areas). Andreas is daily board member and WP2 co-lead of HAICu (digital Humanities - Artificial Intelligence - Cultural Heritage), a large and multi-annual project in the field of digital humanities (NWA-OCR, 2023-2029). Andreas holds a MA degree in History (2005) and a PhD (2012), both from Leiden University. Since autumn 2019, he is also developing PhD training for WTMC - the Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science, Technology, and Modern Culture. Recently, Andreas was guest editor of a special issue on Digital Cultural and Natural Heritage in the Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), 2023, vol. 16, issue 1: