Open access: copyright

As advocate of open access CWI strongly recommends that you publish in a reliable OA journal with acceptable  Author Processing Costs (APCs); a list of journals can be found on

As advocate of open access CWI strongly recommends that you publish in a reliable OA journal with acceptable  Author Processing Costs (APCs); a list of journals can be found on  This way you keep copyright, have no embargo restrictions and the APC costs are covered in the project funding of NWO- and EU-projects or can be reimbursed by CWI.

Do NOT publish OA in hybrid journals, they charge you for APCs and the library for expensive licenses (double dipping). It is embargo free but there is no funding available for this type of publication.

If you publish in a licensed journal try and retain  your copyright. Most publishers have the option of a publisher’s license; they get the right to publish whereas you keep your copyright.

Only in worst case scenarios is it allowed to sign over your copyright.

Non open access publishing officially means dealing with a lot of different embargo rules from the various publishers. We kindly choose to ignore those rules and NWO mandates an OA version in the repository of all publications as soon as possible and at the latest upon publication (see here).

Dutch publishers (Elsevier) can no longer ask you to sign over copyright because the Dutch copyright law changed per 1 July 2015:

“Artikel 25fa

De maker van een kort werk van wetenschap waarvoor het onderzoek geheel of gedeeltelijk met Nederlandse publieke middelen is bekostigd, heeft het recht om dat werk na verloop van een redelijke termijn na de eerste openbaarmaking ervan, om niet beschikbaar te stellen voor het publiek, mits de bron van de eerste openbaarmaking daarbij op duidelijke wijze wordt vermeld.”

The producer of a short work of science where Dutch public funds were used for all or part of the research, has the right to freely disseminate that work after a reasonable period of time, on the condition that the source of the original publication is clearly mentioned.


In case you still have questions or are not sure how to handle the forms in your specific case, please come to the library for advice.