An overview of current topics:
- Amsterdam Coordination Group Talks (ACG)
- CWI Seminar Series on Artificial Intelligence
- Dutch Optimization Seminar, co-organized with colleagues of Dutch universities
- Dutch Post HCI event (Human Computer Interaction)
- Dutch Seminar on Data Systems Design (DSDSD), co-organized with colleagues of Dutch universities
- Dutch Seminar on Digital Energy (DSDE)
- Evolutionary Intelligence Seminar
- Intelligent and Autonomous Systems Seminar (IASS)
- Joint Lectures on Evolutionary Algorithms (JoLEA project), co-organized with colleagues of Leiden University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Utrecht University.
- Networks and Optimization Seminar
- QuSoft events/seminars (scroll to 'Seminars' at the bottom of the page)
- Research on Information Security and Cryptology Seminar (RISC)
- Science Park Informal Probability Meetings, co-organized with colleagues of University of Amsterdam
- Seminar for Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification in Scientific Computing
- Workshop 'Large Language Models for media and democracy: wrecking or saving society?', co-organized with de Vrije Universiteit, Delft University of Technology and Hands4Grants.