R. Núñez Queija
P.O. Box 94079
1090 GB Amsterdam
The Netherlands


sindo "at" cwi "dot" nl
+31 (0) 20 592 4135
+31 (0) 20 592 4200
Kruislaan 413, Amsterdam

Scientific Cluster: Probability, Networks and Algorithms (PNA)
Theme:                 Probability and Stochastic Networks (PNA2)

My main research interests are in fundamental queueing theory and its application to Performance analysis of information and communication systems (PNA2.1).

I am also part-time professor of Industrial Mathematics at the Korteweg - De Vries Mathematical Institute, and associate professor in Operations Research, both at the University of Amsterdam (in the Faculty of Science, and the faculty of Economics and Business, respectively).

We have close collaborations with the Stochastic Operations Research group at Eindhoven University of Technology (where I was assistant professor 2000-2006), with the Planning, Performance and Quality group at TNO Information and Communication Technology (where I was a staff member 2006-2008) and with the MAESTRO research group at INRIA Sophia Antipolis (where I was a post-doc in 2000).









           Last modified: May 21, 2010