WP 4.1 (0.4 PM) Chairing of the W3C Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group (MMSem XG), http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/mmsem/ Hosting, chairing and participating in the first face-to-face meeting of the MMSem XG: Amsterdam, 10-11 July. Hands-on lab annotation exercices showing the current difficulty to annotate multimedia with RDF technologies. Work on several use cases (Tagging use case, News use case) showing some interoperability problems while using different multimedia formats for desribing the material. WP 4.5 (0,2 PM) Contribution to the SotA report for "intelligent user relevance feedback": add a chapter about the existing recommender systems (the various implementations that exist and the types of techniques they use). WP 5.1 (0,4 PM) Continuing the work to bring NewsML2 in the Semantic Web (conversion tool and ontology refinements). Presentation at the IPTC Annual General Meeting, in Vienna, http://www.iptc.org/pages/meetg_main.php (2-6 of July). Participation in the meeting, discussions on IPTC standards interoperability and Semantic Web compliance. Austrian Press Agency news production infrastructure case study. WP 5.2 (0,1 PM) Contribution in survey and discussion for multimedia metadata repositories: providing details and experience on using SWI-Prolog. WP 5.3 (1,3 PM) We have continued our work on the /facet prototype, improving nagivation possibilities and performance for large datasets. A demo/poster has been submitted to ISWC 2006. /facet has also entered the Semantic Web Challenge 2006 in which it is actually in the Top 5 finalists. For more information and online demo: http://slashfacet.semanticweb.org/ Work on the foundation paper of the journal special issue on "Canonical Processes of Media Production". In this work, nine basic processes, based on en examination of existing multimedia systems, have been identified (premeditate, create, annotate, package, query, construct message, organise, publish, and distribute). These processes should not be viewed as prepackaged, ready to be implemented by a programmer. Our goal is rather to analyse existing systems to identify and generalize functionality they provide and, on the basis of the processes supported within the system, determine which outputs should be available from the system. In this sense, we hope that system creators will be open to providing the outputs we identify when the processes are supported within the system. WP 7.2 (0.1 PM) Organization of a journal special issue on "Canonical Processes of Media Production", following the work started in the workgroup on "Multimedia for Human Communication" at a Dagstuhl seminar 05091 (http://www.dagstuhl.de/en/programm/kalender/semhp/?semnr=05091), and then the workshop at ACM Multimedia on "Multimedia for Human Communication - From Capture to Convey" (http://www.cwi.nl/~media/conferences/mhc05/mhc05.html)